Teen Choice
Students at the Robert Goddard High School receive SEL
support through our CBO partner Teen Choice (TC). TC
supports students through 1-1 and group counseling, through
school clubs, paid fellowship programs, summer job
placement, resume building, listening to music, playing
games, having "real open talk" and just helping students find
a safe, fun, resourceful space to gather where students may
receive snacks and a smile. Recently, Goddard Social Work
Interns decided they wanted to inspire Goddard students with
a “Board of Inspiration.” This is how it works: Students
come into the TC room, decide what topic (Love, Hope,
Kindness, Confidence, Faith, Peace, Self-Control, Patience,
Humility) may inspire them for the day, and they take a
quote from an envelope. Students are then encouraged to
write a quote to inspire a peer and leave it in the "suggestion
box". The Goddard Interns retrieve the handwritten quotes
and type them up for placement in the correct envelope to
pay forward additional inspiration to other students.